Life goes on.

26 Feb 2017

It's so very hard to comprehend

How life can still go on

That birds will keep on singing

Even though they know you've gone.

Why does the sun keep on shining

Though you're no longer here?

The raindrops keep on falling

As if you're still so near.

Why do the flowers prepare to bloom?

Their growth showing no repent

When surely they all must know

You'll no longer smell their scent?

Why do I still feel you everywhere

And ache so much within

Why does my head mock me so

whispering that you'll walk back in.

... Well the birds will keep on singing

And the sun will always shine

For they all know better than me

You hear them all the time.

You'll feel the sun and all its warmth

Through bodies that feel no pain

You'll see the horses grazing

And the dogs playing in the lane.

You'll feel joy when we're happy

Laugh at our jokes and smile

For you haven't totally left us

Just moved on for a little while.

And one day we'll all meet up again

It's part of the inevitable

But til then I'll try my very best

To live life to the very full.


A Moodscope member.

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