Listen to me.

10 May 2017

I went to a conference on Patient Experience recently where people told their patient stories. The main message was that people wanted to be heard, they wanted to feel someone had listened to them.

It seems such a simple thing - listening, we do it from the womb to the tomb yet it is often very difficult.

How many times a day do you say or hear someone say: "Just listen to me" or "What do I have to do to make you listen" or "I feel no one ever really listens to me."

It seems so easy, you just stop talking and listen. Then why does it seem so difficult?

Why do so many people feel that no one listens to them.

Why do so many people feel so alone because there is no one who listens.

Some researchers say that that the average person actually remembers a fraction of what is said to them. So much time is spent mastering other skills, but little time is spent practicing essential interpersonal skills. Listening is one of them.

What does it take to become a good listener? A lot of hard work. You need to make a conscious effort to listen to a speaker.

Listening is not easy. You're constantly trying to stay focused. When you take the effort to really concentrate and listen you maybe surprised what you learn.

I admit I had a tendency to interrupt, but I saw it as enthusiastically joining the conversation. I try very hard to focus on the talker.

Has there been a time when being listened to was very important to you?

Do you have tips of how to be a better listener?

Do you feel frustrated you are not listened to by your friends and family?


A Moodscope member.

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