Little things

8 Sep 2018

On Wednesday this week, my other half and I went to a local nursery to buy some plants for our hanging baskets.

It was a beautiful sunny day and so, rather than travel back in the car, I decided to walk the four and half miles to home. I enjoy walking; I like being lost in my thoughts whilst, at the same time, taking in my surroundings.

I live not far from the South Downs in Sussex and so this walk allowed me a wonderful backdrop of blue sky and green, wooded downs, with clouds scudding across the horizon. Had I been in the car I would have missed the differing hues and colours of nature – the deep red rosehips, a redcurrant bush, the dusty blues on a blueberry bush and in a moment of serendipity, a kingfisher careering at crazy angles; startled by my inquiry as to whether the stream I was looking into held any fish.

I like these small moments; like Sunday last week when, sitting in my back garden, drinking tea, listening to my neighbour training his new dog, an adult fox (no doubt hungry or thirsty), casually wandered around the garden.

I'm sure I read somewhere that happiness is not about the 'big' things, it's about the small moments that go to make up a life.

What small, but important things, have made your day?


A Moodscope member.

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