Live a longer and happier life.

31 Dec 2013

"Find something to be happy about every day, and every hour, even if only for a few minutes, and if possible moment-to-moment. This is the easiest and best protection you can have." Gregg Braden

Research would show that happy and content people live approximately seven years more than people that are not so happy.

So if our lives are the most important things to us - although many forget to look after the one thing that will keep them alive - their bodies, then how can we not only live longer but also happier?

One habit that is always identified is the appreciation exercise.

Before going to sleep each night, have a little booklet by your bed and fill in five things that you have been grateful for that day.

Nothing long or fancy - just a word or phrase for each and thus ensuring your mind is in a place of appreciation as you fall off to sleep - thus allowing your subconscious to work its merry way to becoming happier.

Once you start doing that - you'll also start to look for things that your are grateful for - thus bringing it into greater 'view' and opening up that all important self-awareness I have mentioned in previous blogs - which is the start of all personal growth.

Right now - write down five things that you are grateful for in your life.

How was that?

How did it feel?

Buy that small booklet; put it by your bedside, start being more grateful for what you have tonight.

The greatest happiness lies under our feet.

Thoughts on the above? Please feel free to post a comment below.

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