Have you ever been looking forward to something only for it to not be what you expected and you feel like you were actually going backwards in some respects. This could apply to a variety of things but when you are a hostage to depression, anxiety, low mood or other bed fellows, it can be amplified.
Here are a few of mine - some funny, some not and I'd love to hear yours. Paintballing - painful as I got hit in the hand and on the head (the latter is definitely NOT supposed to happen so someone must have been aiming for me) and an adrenaline rush so bad I couldn't hold the paintball gun properly - I hated it.
Les Miserables - my boyfriend at the time bigged it up. He chose the cheap seats so I couldn't see nada and in the interval went to sit right in the middle where people hadn't turned up - I envisioned us being frog-marched out of the venue by a burly security guard which didn't happen - I couldn't wait for it to end.
Nightclubs - what a waste of time - two songs if you were lucky - to dance to and the rest of it absolute rubbish. Serves me right for going to "Shanghai Sams" in Peterborough (it belonged to Page 3 girl Sam Fox) and no she never made an appearance. New Year's Eve - that expectation and then wham it's a bit of a damp squib - that's not to say I don't like it but seemed to get highly emotional when I was a lot younger about it.
Dinner at friends at a vague time when you think there might be a hot meal and there is only sweet stuff and you just eat lots of them and wine and pig out hours later when you are at home - it was 7pm but I should have known because they ate at 6!!
Certain Christmas markets at some places abroad - I think it was Belgium we went to and there was just a load of old tut and a really annoying bus journey with people singing and yaddering - I wanted to go home.
The Clothes Show in Birmingham - I did get a great pair of trousers and a pair of platforms but couldn't find my car and had to get one of the guys outside to help me find it - not easy when they are all the same colour practically - so embarrassing. Ditto the Ideal Home - people attacking you with foundation (it's not orange they cry) and trying to sell you tut again that if you do buy, you get home and think why???
A stained glass course - I couldn't get the hang of scoring and cutting the glass and attempted a really advanced design which went better than expected and a key middle piece fell out as I was walking back up the garden from the car and it sat on the dishwasher never finished - I had been made redundant and it was quite personal at the time so I was a bit fragile.
I am sure I can think of more but let me know yours... it can be as light hearted or deeper, whatever you wish.
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