Love Is In The Air.

19 Jun 2017

It's been a harrowing few weeks for the people of London and Manchester. The recent terrorists attacks and the Grenfell Tower fire has rocked Britain to the core. There is so much pain, anguish, confusion and anger. My heart aches for all those affected. I've cried so many tears. I've hugged my family and friends just that little bit tighter and I've tried very hard not to moan about trivial things in life.

Throughout all these tragic and heartbreaking events though one thing has stood out. Love. I have worked in London for 8 years now and I cannot remember a time when I felt so much love and a sense of community spirit as I have during these past few weeks. Love is very much in the air, from friends to families and from neighbours to strangers. It reaches out across all religions, cultures and beliefs. It makes me feel so proud to work there and now, on every day that I commute to work, I walk a little bit taller. I'm proud of London and proud to be a tiny part of it.

So wherever you are today, and however you are feeling, I hope you can feel love in the air. Because I'm sending love your way today.

Jane SG

A Moodscope member.

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