Masking life?

28 Aug 2014

Back in the day, I 'grew-up' in an organisational culture where everyone kept a stiff upper lip and wore their stress like a medal of honour. Managers exhibited - and everyone imitated - the kind of super hero behaviour that can lead to exhaustion, burnout or breakdown. It was scary and unsustainbale!

When it was my turn to lead a team, I discovered: 1) that when I was open about some of my own challenges, 2) asked for help when I needed it and 3) admitted I was wrong when I was, I set the tone for authentic communication and improved trust all around.

The resulting dialogue (EQ not IQ debate) almost always uncovered more options and creative solutions. Most importantly my willingness to be vulnerable, with humility, reduced my self-imposed pressure to be invincible/correct/right/all-knowing. I became a better manager, co-worker and friend, in fact an improved leader in life - authentic to self.

While we often are willing to be vulnerable in our personal relationships we all too often consider it off-limits in our professional lives. Some equate vulnerability to weakness and are threatened by it. Yet we have all been inspired by people who openly acknowledged how they've worked through a professional or personal issue that was emotionally challenging. Their trust scores and integrity scores were continually rising.

Being vulnerable within your own 'safe' zone, really means finding the courage to be sincere, open and honest. It also means being readily receptive to input or feedback from others. A balance of truthfulness and sensitivity creates a safe environment in which everyone can learn and grow.

Never ever use 'the truth' as a weapon...that finger pointing to them creates three fingers pointing back at you...try it.

So, take off the super hero mask. Be more authentic and allow others to learn from you in that process. You'll discover more about yourself and become a role model for honest communication and better relationships.

Trust - is the one thing that changes everything.

Do you trust yourself enough to become trustworthy - worthy of trust?


A Moodscope member.

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