Masterpiece in Progress:

13 Jul 2017

What do you see in this painting? A woman half finished or half complete?

Her hair shiny and curling around her nearly complete face. Pretty features in contrast with her blurred eye. The bodice of her dress sculpted around her body, highlights her unfinished arms behind her back.

With no art expertise, but, perhaps Dali was meant to leave this painting unfinished?

It's a fine example how masterpiece and work in progress can exist simultaneously. It doesn't matter that this was once a blank canvas or how this painting was first thought of or started. It's past is of no consequence to what we see now. Dali is long gone, this work will never be completed and does it matter? Right now the incompleteness is just as beautiful and relevant as the areas that we see painted.

Life might feel incomplete sometimes and that we have our hands tied behind our back. That we still have a lot of work to do and things to achieve before we feel whole.

But before the judgement and critique, take a step back and look. Observe the muse you see: that was, that is and that will be all at the same time. See the beauty in your own defined areas of experience and appreciate the mystery and wonder of the areas that are less clear. Each influence and inform one another and work together to create your whole picture.

Accept and embrace your own knowing and unknown because nobody is the finished article until they leave this earth. Seal off the cynicism of the outside world that defines time and ideas of when and how life should happen.

If Dali succumbed to outside pressures we'd be looking at a different painting, perhaps a far less interesting one.

You are your own creator and artist. The masterpiece is you and where you are now, this minute, this hour, this day. We are all works in progress and masterpiece at the same time. Even our undiscovered, undefined areas matter because they contribute to the intrigue to the creation that is you.

Choose tools and brushstrokes carefully. Step back and observe the whole of you. Note how to develop and change the technique if the desired tools and effect are not working. Persevere and progress with the masterpiece because it is not finished, until the final brush stroke.

The trusty-yogi

A Moodscope member.

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