Me Myself and I

8 Mar 2024

Over the past week I have had time alone. Over the past 42 years I have only lived alone for two periods of 18 to 20 months.

I am not very good at live in relationships because I am untidy and disorganised and I know am not really easy to live with. While I like company I also enjoy my own company and during this week I am learning things about myself.

I have thought that being in a relationship stresses me and I feel that being alone would be better for my mental health. I know many people reading this will be living alone not by choice. I have learnt that being alone does not solve all my problems.

I am finding this hard to write as I can’t seem to find the right words. My current relationship is quite controlling at times but can be quite thoughtful. I like being on my own but I do talk to myself a lot. I the freedom of eating when where and what I like. I am still tired and not as content as I thought I would be. I am still struggling with who I am as I wrote in an earlier blog.

I don’t want this discussion to be about me but I want to know what other Moodscopers have learnt about themselves when they have had time alone. Whether an hour, a night alone or a few days a week.

So what have you discovered about  your Me myself and I? What surprised you, what pleased you?


A Moodscope member

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