Melancholy Lane - No Through Road

5 Nov 2018

I kid you not - this is a real road in a village called Stoborough, near Wareham in Dorset, UK. It must have a history to have such a dramatic name, though I've not found the reason yet...

I've seen it so many times and have thought to myself, "I really must stop and take a picture." Eventually, I did! The road was covered in fresh cow dung, which somehow seemed wholly appropriate!

Melancholy means a feeling of thoughtful sadness - often without any obvious cause. Many of us, I believe, have walked down Melancholy Lane. However, there may be a message in the text that followed: "No Through Road."

If my Melancholy Lane is the road to nowhere, what is the alternative?

My first thought is to try another way - another route - another road - even a completely new direction. This means that, if we have already begun walking down Melancholy Lane, we will need to do a 'U' Turn and walk up it again to where we started.

Too deep? I hope not. The message I took from the sign was simple - my current plodding down life's Melancholy Lane was not serving any useful purpose. Today, I turned. Some of the reasons were outside my control, and others were my own choices. Changes were made, losses were taken on the chin, and I feel... much better.

There's no going back now. Deeds have been done! What isn't so obvious is which new direction to choose. Do I really want to walk the ways which in the past have been successful? Or do I want to pursue complete change? What about a mix? Is my comfort zone a friend or foe?

So, I throw this over to you to comment. Many of us have made life-changing decisions where new directions have been followed. I'd like to hear a message of hope that your bold choices have paid off in the longer-term. I'd appreciate honesty about the pain too because I know significant change can feel painful at first.

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