Mental Health and “Buddying-Up”

Asking for help
31 Jan 2023

I have Bipolar Disorder- a serious mental illness with significant symptoms and side effects! Yet my greatest challenge over the years, has been coming to terms with the STIGMA that the general pubic and authorities apply to people like myself!

I am a serious, well-educated man, yet I am made be an 8th class citizen! So! I have a serious mental illness! Does that mean that I am not worthy of respect? Am I not worthy of love? Am I void of emotions?  Am I short on intelligence? No! Not at all! I am a human being! I have dreams, needs, desires and ambitions!

The worst offenders are workers within The Mental Health System. They are condescending and treat me like I am a complete fruitcake!

My wife of 37 years left me for another man as soon as I was diagnosed with my illness! She took my two adult children who I have not seen or heard from in eleven years! No Christmas or birthday cards-no communication whatsoever! I am a good man! I do not deserve this pain!

Yet, I found a way out to freedom! I “Buddied-Up” with a great guy of a similar mindset to me. He is highly intelligent and has Paranoid Schizophrenia. We share a great bond. I really enjoy his company-and we talk freely about mental illness with no prejudice whatsoever!

I would recommend you find someone to “Buddy-up” with - it changed my life and could change yours

Good luck and stay positive!


A Moodscope member

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