Merry Moodmas.

25 Dec 2017

"And so this is Christmas. And what have we done. Another year over. And a new one just begun." (John Lennon)

Those words always prove to me that my internal pipework is working beautifully. My astonishing creation of a body can read the words, convert them to emotion which turns cogs and wheels, and produce tears. It's quite an amazing feat and I am fascinated.

And so I read the words. I puddle the tears. Some spill. And there must be a lesson in there.

I like to see this time of year as the middle of the year. I find it too hard to deal with the weight of it being both 'the end' and 'the start'. It's too much. I make a strong effort to remind myself daily that it's just another week in the middle.

What I would like to remind you of is that you are here and you are reading this. I bet you have had a wonderful Christmas somewhere in your history and I bet you have had an awful one too. I know I have. And maybe this year it will lean more towards one than the other. But what you must remember, and really give yourself credit for, is that between all the days from then to now you have held yourself up, got yourself through and never given up. Those who have not suffered with poor mental health cannot possibly understand how immense that achievement is.

The paper and the boxes and the endless plastic packaging which require pliers, patience and swearing (is it just me?) can all take a back seat. The best present is to ourselves and it is the gift of recognition. To recognise that we have, once again, clung on, made it through and that we are still doing it. We have done it before, we can do it again. And I am so very proud of you all. People I have never met, but sometimes hear comments from, I share in your disappointments and your achievements as well as those of you I have never heard from but who I know read, digest and silently keep on.

I consider you all good friends with big hearts. I like being a part of us, steadying each other over stepping stones, and I wish you all to treat your absolute 'needs' first and then have a very Merry Moodmas. So glad to walk with you.

Much love from

The room above the garage with the little lights.

A Moodscope member.

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