I’m not sure if Christmas will ever become a favourite time for me. It can hold such a weight of neon-lit x-ray sentimentality, and that can bring me down. But I think we are all in it together and we can steer through with a little navigation of our sleighs.
Let us remember that (1) we have passed the shortest day, and we are now on a path to spring. (2) frosty days are very healthy (3) watching birds use a daily-filled bird bath is hilarious, especially when Mrs Blackbird and two Mr Blackbirds flick each other out, each competing to do their ablutions first.
And (4) we can remember that a string of fairy lights bring unspoken comfort. They can be left out and glowing well into January. Even all of January. Guess what? We are the adults and we can make the rules. You can even have your Christmas pudding before your main course!
Merry Christmas Moodscopers. You may have had moments when you felt you couldn’t, but look, you have.
Love from
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