Message from the Moodscope Team.

9 May 2013

Adrian and I would like to thank Jon for his inspiration and all of his hard work over the last few years. We also are sad to see Jon go and wish him well with his new project which we are sure will be a great success.

We'd like to reassure you that we are determined to continue Jon's work and we are committed to the continual improvement of the Moodscope offering and to help people positively manage their mood.

You may know that we carried out some research amongst Moodscopers in January. We had an amazing response and have been reviewing them to find out what features and changes are most important to our members.

Some of the changes that were requested we are implementing now, the rest we are still working on and you will see them in the near future. We are trying to make sure that the Moodscope we build is the Moodscope our members want.

We would also like to make two requests:

1. Many people offered to help us or put us in touch with someone that could help when replying to the survey. Unfortunately, because of the way the question was worded, it wasn't clear what people wanted to help us with. So if you were one of those people who did offer to help, would you mind emailing with your details and in which area you could help.

2. We have also had lots of requests from people who would like to contribute to the blog. We'd love to include your experiences/tips/support so if you would like to help in this respect, again, please email us at and we'll send you a few details of what we're looking for.

Lastly, we would just like to say thank you to all of you who continue to pay for Moodscope Plus. As you know from Jon's leaving message, we desperately need more subscribers to keep Moodscope going and for us to be able to continue to offer Moodscope Lite to those that can't afford to subscribe. The Moodscope Plus features are extremely helpful and will assist you to find out more about your triggers and in which areas you are struggling and in which you are strong. But even if you don't need them, perhaps you'd be prepared to subscribe just to support our cause.

Moodscope has helped thousands of people through some really rough times and we're very proud to be working on such a worthwhile project.

Although Moodscope is a great help to some people, we know that it takes a lot of resolve to really turn your life around and we admire those of you who have, and will always be here for those of you who are still working on it.

We'll be sending out the normal Moodscope daily reminder message tomorrow.

Please keep in touch, let us know if you have any changes you'd like to see and most of all take care.

Thoughts on the above? Please feel free to post a comment below.

Moodscope members seek to support each other by sharing their experiences through this blog. Posts and comments on the blog are the personal views of Moodscope members, they are for informational purposes only and do not constitute medical advice.

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