Mind and body conversation

Self care
1 Apr 2023

You may recall about 12 months ago I posted a dialogue between my Mind (M) and my Body (B). The last year has been quite eventful and I thought you may like to ‘hear’ a recent conversation they had about these events.

B:   M, it is almost 12 months since we had our last in depth conversation. Is everything alright with you? 

M:  It has been a busy time with some significant events, some which I have enjoyed and others that have been challenging. How about you?

B:   I know there have been difficult times for both of us.

M:  Are there any lessons to be learnt?

B:   Well let’s start with a painful time for me; catching the Covid bug. 

M:  If my memory serves me correct this happened at the beginning of October last year. We went away on a short break. I was really looking forward to it.

B:  Unfortunately on day three I became unwell and we returned home early the following day. I don’t think my symptoms were as bad as they could have been but seven days in isolation was a testing time.

M:  Yes but we showed great resilience and got through it.  

B:   How are you getting on with Moodscope?

M:  It is very much part of my life now. I make an early visit to their Blog every day. Most of my Posts seem well received and I enjoy discussing them with those who wish to comment.  

B:   Are you still going to your sessions with the psychotherapist? 

M:  No, I finished a few weeks ago. Over the last two and a half years I completed about 60 visits that covered around 75 hours.

B:  That seems a lot so I guess you thought they were very helpful.

M:  Yes, I feel I have learnt so much about myself and mental health in general.  

B:   What would you say to anyone thinking of seeing a therapist?

M:  Find a qualified one who you can really relate to. You need to feel comfortable about telling them everything about yourself. I was very fortunate as she was only the second one I enquired about and practised a few miles from where we live.  

B: I am feeling so much better about my physical health lately. Following Covid I went through a difficult spell with my heart. I needed to see my cardiologist, the one that performed the heart surgery 14 years ago. He arranged a scan of my heart, adjusted my heart meds and generally my heart now seems to behaving itself. 

M: That is great news and something I do not have to worry about.

 B:  I am so looking forward to starting the green bowling again.

M:  I am sure that will benefit us both. It scores on so many physical and mental health benefits. Being outside, great social connections and competitive sport.

 M:  We must keep communicating, you know. When either or both of us are feeling unwell we must give each other reassurance. That includes not jumping to hurried conclusions about what could be wrong. 

Sometimes it may be my mental health or it could be your physical health. It is possible for it to be both!

 B:  I have enjoyed our chat and I can see your mental health is generally improving. Working together generates hope for both of us.


A Moodscope member

PS. This is not an April fool!   

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