Mindful walking without any walking…

7 Mar 2024

My walking path behind a warehouse is flooded and out of order, so I drove to a nearby nature reservoir with intention to walk during my lunch break. As I entered woodland, I had to stop at once as the birds were hyperactive and very vocal. It made me curious and pondering what was a reason of their... swarming?

I looked how they were swooshing and soaring and looping between trees. They were chirping and tweeting and alerting and cha-cha-chatting in birdy language. 

'It is nippy cold +3°C and cloudy. What on earth is wrong with them? I was hooked and I stayed still to try and find out.

I inhaled and exhaled fresh air and noticed no tension in my body just my fingers in gloves were stiff from cold, but I decided to carry on. I went into deep meditation, and just observed my thoughts, emotions and feelings arising. I stood still and watched both nature and myself, shifting my focus between.

What I was witnessing was beautiful. I was in awe and astonished. 

It was like an improvised concert when an Invisible Orchestra Leader was sick and a celestial chorus was performing on their own. 

My shortsighted eyes spotted finches, tits, robins, waxwings and wrens moving gracefully and jumpily, without effort, freely soaring through crispy space. Their trala-la-las were simple yet complicated. Like a harmonious, joyful, serene, enchanting, chaotic ...jibrr-jaber ;) 

I just loved it as it was and wondered what birds were singing about.

About food abundance provided by Mother Nature and Big Gardener with humans assistance?  There were hawthorns and rowans and other winter berries plus two wooden boxes fixed to tree trunks. About how to impress female: with colourful snuggly feathers or smooth music, while mating season is approaching?  About their nests, their comfort and warmth? Exchanging hints how to insulate them against rain and mould?

All of the above? 

My relaxing and peaceful and exciting bird watching was interrupted by a cockerel crowing who reminded me that my break was over. 

Later on I remembered that my boss had mentioned that it was 'nesting season' and my incredibly fascinating, exciting, joyful, enjoyable, tranquil adventure... was named, classified and put down as normal seasonal bird activity. 


A Moodscope member

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