Moodscope Crowdfunding campaign – can you help?

30 Apr 2018

Firstly we would like to personally thank everyone that contributed and/or upgraded to Moodscope Plus following our recent appeal. It makes our job so much more fulfilling when we know that we have your support and that Moodscope is helping so many people.

Having attended the funeral last Friday of one of my son's friends, who took his own life at just 17, we are even more determined to launch our Crowdfunding Campaign so that we can raise the funds we need to improve Moodscope and make it accessible to the millions of people who we know need it.

We'll be launching the campaign in the next few weeks but as you know, we are a very small team and this is going to be a very big campaign so we really need some help to make this campaign successful.

Obviously once we've launched we'll be asking for your support in helping us to spread the word, but in the meantime, we have two requests:

1. If anyone has any spare time and would like to volunteer to help us run the campaign we'd be very grateful. In particular, we'd love some help with the social media side. If you'd like to help, please send your details to

2. One of Moodscope's greatest assets are the excellent Moodscope daily blogs written by our members. We thought it might be nice to offer a digital book with a selection of the blogs in it to those that donate to the campaign. So, our second request is that you send us the titles and dates of your top five favourite blogs. Or if there's just one in particular you think should be included, please just send details of the one to Or add them to the comments section below.

Once again, thank you so much to everyone who has contributed and helped us on our way to the launch of a great campaign.

Kind regards.

The Moodscope team.

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