Moodscope in not one but 153 words.

28 May 2017

Thank you for all your descriptive words for Moodscope last Monday.

The clear winner is, "Supportive" – a reassuring result!

An audio-visual representation of the results, in the order they were shared, is here:

It's not exactly Eurovision but it is our United Vision, and it's a vision I'm proud to be a part of.

"Helpful" and "Community" were big themes. With "Reassuring," "Comfort," and "Comforting," also big winners, I think we can have an accurate sense of how most of us feel about and view Moodscope at this moment in time.

Moodscope is the Community that offers Support, Comfort, and Reassurance as we Help one another on this journey together. Other themes in themselves backed this up with a strong emphasis on the diagnostic assessment, and even having Moodscope as our Emotional Sat-Nav – keeping us Grounded whilst offering Hope.

If you were to give suggestions for what Moodscope can do with this wellspring of support and gratitude, what would you suggest?

I'm certain I speak for the majority when I say a huge "thank you!" for continuing the supportive work of Moodscope.

Onwards and upwards!


A Moodscope member.

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