More blog posts please!

8 Jul 2024

All our daily blog posts are written by our members because we believe you are the best people to give advice and help by sharing your experiences with other members. All  those who have submitted blog posts previously have said how lovely it is getting feedback from other members on the site.

If you have a story to tell, some advice to give or an experience to share, let us know. Please send your blog post to We don't have many rules, but we do ask that your blog is 500 words or less and we prefer to steer clear of politics and religion!

If you have an idea and are not sure whether it's suitable, just ask us to take a look and we'll let you know. All contributions will be reviewed and may be edited if necessary before publishing.

We'll let you know when we're sending your blog out so that you can reply to member's comments if you wish.

In today's comments, we'd like to give you the opportunity to give us some feedback. Is there anything that’s irritating you about the Moodscope service? Are there any new features you’d like to see? All feedback is very welcome.

Many thanks.

Kind regards.

Caroline and Adrian

The Moodscope Team

Thoughts on the above? Please feel free to post a comment below.

Moodscope members seek to support each other by sharing their experiences through this blog. Posts and comments on the blog are the personal views of Moodscope members, they are for informational purposes only and do not constitute medical advice.

Email us at to submit your own blog post!


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