
18 Mar 2024

Most of us strongly associate mobility with freedom. If you’ve ever been bed-bound, you’ll remember the frustration. Jump in your personal time machine and you might just be able to recall what it was like to learn to ride a bike, or run for the school, or skip for the joy of it, or remember how you felt when you passed your driving test.

Movement is freedom; freedom is the meaning of life.

Do you agree?  If not, challenge this in the comments and we’ll have a chat as a community.

Today’s mental health blog – our Monday Moodscope – is a gentle invitation to try moving in new ways. The purpose is to feel different – feel more alive.

On offer to me at the moment I have:

·      Join the new Yoga group in our church

·      Join the Sailing Club and learn to sail

·      Take my juggling to a higher level

·      Learn sleight of hand (as in magic tricks)

·      Join the sea swimmers

·      Take up golf again

·      Start running

I suspect these opportunities are merely the tip of the iceberg.

What IS important is that I begin to do something different, do something differently.

Over to you – how will you move in new ways this Spring?

Let’s inspire one another with the options on offer.


A Moodscope member

Thoughts on the above? Please feel free to post a comment below.

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