Moving day…

5 Mar 2024

We moved. Finally. But it was probably more stressful than moving from England to Scotland, or maybe it was a different kind of stress. Some things massively helped. Storing our stuff (still in the lock-up about three quarters full). My packing of boxes in advance. 

Some things didn't help. Two buyers dropping out, one due to a beef with our estate agent over our new house, and a redundancy for the second buyer. Loads of snow on the actual day of moving making it really challenging. My husband not having totally cleared where he should have. Our trike in the garage being immobile until a handbrake was found. Moving ourselves (with only one set of friends helping out after a last minute post on Facebook). 

Our energy levels were tested to the maximum. No heating in the new house due to a missing remote control which had been discarded. No broadband. We now have a blocked toilet and are getting the heating sorted finally after getting broadband in (previous owner didn't have). 

The dog has issues with the wind (it has been bad) and stuff getting thrown around in the garden. He is getting used to his new space as much as us. But aside all this, we love it. It's like we have been here for a longer time. Our supportive friends (who are neighbours and who helped us on the day) are just along the way which is great. The dog loves the new garden which is bigger. Finally, we can make a house work for us instead of pushing so much stuff around and getting nowhere. A chance to declutter.... at last! 

However, there is so much going on in the world, which makes me feel bad for getting stressed over this but if you constantly push down things, you invalidate how you are feeling and it is healthy to get it out in the open I think. Amazingly, for a person with wavering mental health, I have been the calm, strong one and my husband leant on me as at times, he was about to break. I said inside to myself two words “counter productive” which meant that if I was about to go into an old mode of not dealing with stuff, ie. Losing my cool or temper, I did the opposite. It seems to be working on the whole. 

One thing for sure, I won't be moving again. I'm here for the foreseeable and I am grateful. Without the hard work, graft and determination (particularly the latter from myself) we would not have got to this point and I am a massive believer in the fact that if you really want something, you can make it happen… you have to seriously believe that it will happen and make it so with your actions forward from this. 

Do share your moving tales if you are happy to.


A Moodscope member

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