Murders, muffins and music.

17 Nov 2017

Like many people with mental health issues I have some things I do daily so I feel okay, along with a little box of tricks I delve into when I know things aren't going so well.

It's the usual stuff we're advised will help: exercise, eating well, getting enough sleep, surrounding myself with positive people, doing my daily meditation and of course Moodscope. Proven techniques to get me back on track.

However, also in the depths of my tool box are some more obscure methods. During counselling they were things I did that really made a difference. 'Do these thing more,' said the counsellor. So now I do.

Agatha Christie's Poirot. I've no idea why this helps so much but it does. Maybe it's partly because it demands my full attention, it takes me temporarily to another world and it's just so far removed from normal daily life so my brain is able to rest.

Baking – I'm a terrible cook and burn everything but I love to bake. It fills the house with an amazing comforting smell, again it takes my full attention, it also transports me back to my childhood and at the end you have something to enjoy and something to give to other people. What a great feeling.

And lastly, and probably the most obscure... 80's piano star Richard Clayderman (younger people google). My late Mother was a big fan and when I put this on it's such gentle, comforting music it seems to fill the whole house with her.

So there you have it, my full confession of the more unusual techniques that help me when things get tough. Obscure possibly – effective yes.

So come on why don't you share yours if you have them, it might help someone else.


A Moodscope member.

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