Music Matters

30 Oct 2023

One of my favourite group events of the year is the Shoebox Appeal. This is when we as a community come together to fill shoeboxes with specially chosen gifts for those in need – often families in areas of conflict.

Packing the shoeboxes brings everyone together in one place, with one mind, heart, and purpose. And it feels good. We pack boxes specially for men and women as well as boys and girls. It is also quite a demanding task. Over 164 this year so far!

I said to the organiser, “Would you like some music?”  “Oh, yes please!” she said. As many of you know, I am afflicted with a sense of humour…

So, I started with the Dwarves song from “Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.”  That got some smiles and set a rhythm for filling the boxes.  Equally importantly, it set the tone. The other successful choices were songs from Musicals that we could sing along to.

Having used music on seminars to set the tone for many years, I shouldn’t have been surprised at the effect, however, I was delighted that there was collective joy at being accompanied by the well-known, feel-good songs.

Music matters to most of us, and this was music applied on purpose. To quote a famous show tune: music is, "the rhythm of life," and perhaps the rhythm for life.

So, I’m curious about your “Inner DJ” – what tunes would you weave together in a playlist for people working together on a physical task


A Moodscope member

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