Music to My Ears

27 Jun 2020

I was in the car with my 13 year old daughter the other day, coming back from the vets with a poorly cat and she’d put her music on in the car stereo. An old Crowded House song came on and I commented that music is the most evocative thing for memories from past moments for me. Not just a time but actual moments, I can feel how I did at that particular time instantly.

She doesn’t have as many years to look back on as me and felt smell was more of a memory aid for her.

We started talking about music that brought back different memories, many of hers were happy, times with friends at parties or singing in school.

I’ve now got many different playlists that I use for different moods. I’ve got my happy songs to sing along to in the kitchen, car or when I’m cleaning. But I’ve also got my sad playlists, I’ve got my songs that make me tearful, not because the words meant anything to me at the time but because of the memories that they evoke.

I’ve got a playlist of my black dog songs, the ones that I feel really express how depression makes me feel and it’s a comfort to know that I’m not alone when I listen to them if I’m in that familiar place. I’ve also got my chilled out tracks that make me feel serene.

I hardly listen to the radio now and fear that my music taste will stagnate although with three children into their own stuff I’ll perhaps keep finding new bands.

These are some of my favourites from my ‘Down in the Dumps’ Playlist:

You’re Not Alone - Embrace

Three Little Birds - Bob Marley

River - Joni Mitchell

Landslide - Fleetwood Mac

What More Can I Do? - Jack Savoretti I could go on and on...!

How does music help you and your mood or memories?


A Moodscope member.

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