My Adventure

21 Jun 2024

What an adventure I have had during the last 7 weeks. It still seems surreal what has happened during that time.

One of the strangest aspects is that I was not aware of what was happening for almost half of this journey.

It was a journey filled with drama, worry, joy but also of humour ( see below).

If you have read my previous posts you will know my trials and tribulations in obtaining a hospital appointment for my heart surgery (if I had known what was ahead perhaps I would not have been so keen!)

The initial arrangements went as planned and I arrived at my bed quite optimistic about the planned procedures. Unfortunately my body did not take kindly to my heart valve replacement. It went into a coma that lasted for almost 3 weeks. Hence the extended hospital stay.

I needed extensive support in many areas to reach the point where discharge was considered.

An interesting aside was the loss of my Prozac medication. When entering hospital I handed in all my meds including 20mg Prozac tablets. I had been taking this daily dosage for the last 4 years. For some reason connected to my eating difficulties the hospital stopped giving me any Prozac so by the time of my discharge I had not taken any for several weeks. I have discussed this situation with my GP and agreed I no longer require this anti-depressant. I am accepting this as a bonus!

I actually enjoyed my last few days in hospital. Once I had become more mobile I had some independence. The staff were genuinely pleased at my recovery.

One reoccurring thought during my recovery “I have been given another opportunity at life. Make the most of it.”

As the actor Anthony Hopkins recently said “I’m 86 and still here. That’s a wonderful feeling”

Of course I have experienced the NHS in all forms. Overall my rating is high although changes are required to enable it to cope with increasing demands.

One of the consequences of my enforced period of inactivity has been loss of strength and weight. Nearly 2 stones shed and very loose fitting clothes.

My first day at home I decided to venture a short distance outside to visit our conservatory. Supported by my walking stick I walked carefully across the patio. Having negotiated about half the required distance I was stopped in my tracks when my trousers fell down!

What about my mental health? Well as you would expect it has been all over the place. Periods of anxiety and depression but also times when I hope the worst is over and we can start thinking about future plans. One definite conclusion:  If you have poor mental health try to avoid heart surgery!

Finally, I am sure people power has helped pull me through. Mrs Teg, of course, and all my family and friends (and that includes you!)

My heartfelt (pun intended) thanks to everybody.


A Moodscope member

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