My Christmases

23 Dec 2023

Christmas is a very traditional time of the year. When we think of Christmas our minds are filled with images of carol singers, sparkling lights, green fir trees, brightly wrapped presents, roasted turkey and mince pies. 

Despite all these common characteristics my Christmases will have been different to yours. Throughout my life mine have changed as my circumstances have altered. 

My first recollection of Christmas as a young boy is with my parents as an only child. Early December each year my mother took me to a large department store in Birmingham to visit Father Christmas. Wonderful grotto and a present! The visit to a pantomime also became an annual event paid for by my mother’s employer.

Christmas eve and the following morning were magical times. I went to bed bursting with excitement and anticipation. Usually I woke around 4am to see what Santa had left. I can still remember riding around my bedroom on my first 2 wheeled bike. Another memorable childhood present was a small snooker table that I still possess! 

Then along came marriage and children and my Christmases changed completely. It wasn’t about me anymore but my daughters. The excited faces as they discovered their Christmas presents. We had to ensure, of course, that they were all treated fairly.

Christmas day then became a three generational family occasion with  the children, parents and grandparents. The latter became residents with us for a few days after leaving their home on the coast. 

Post divorce, Christmas celebrations changed again. New in laws and others. Plenty of adults but no children. The new Mrs Teg is brilliant at entertaining and organisation. The quality and quantity of food unbeatable!

Inevitably folk get older and pass on and the numbers dwindled. This Christmas we have planned something completely different. Our little family of three are spending the whole of Christmas away from home. We have found a luxury (I hope!) country hotel where we will enjoy ourselves with new acquaintances. 

So what is Christmas? Agnes Moa Pharo wrote:

“It is tenderness for the past, courage for the present, hope for the future. It is a fervent wish that every cup may overflow with blessings rich and eternal, and that every path may lead to peace”

Have you any Christmas memories you wish to share?


A Moodscope member 

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