My housework phobia

31 May 2019

I am 72, retired and theoretically should have a spotless house, be able to produce gourmet meals at the drop of a hat and have a carefree existence. Despite being financially secure and very happy at home, I just can't get to grips with housework. My husband has very kindly offered to split it with me or to tell him when I want to "blitz" a room then will be happy to help me out.

I suppose it's all down to organisation, that is I'm happy to do shopping and cooking but cleaning the kitchen just seems so daunting. Likewise with washing which I'm happy to do but the Himalayan pile of ironing will attest to my reluctance to tackle it. Ironically I like ironing as I find it soothing as it's so repetitive but actually getting started seems beyond me. Most of the house is in a reasonable state but some of it really needs some TLC. I wish I knew why I was so reluctant to deal with it. If anyone has any solutions to this problem please let me know.

My husband won't hear of a cleaner as he has valuable home cinema equipment and so would be very nervous having a stranger in the house finding out about our possessions. I would love a housekeeper to keep everything under control, more like a mother figure I suppose, (I lost mine when I was 25.) I'm sure it's not that hard to get on top of a regular housework schedule then inviting people round is not the nightmare it has currently become. If I could crack this phobia I would be ecstatic as there's so much else I want to concentrate on rather than housework.

If you can advise me, I would be most grateful.



A Moodscope member.

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