My life before…

21 Jul 2023

Have you looked at the many changes that have taken place in your life and thought about what your life was before they happened…

I am going to mention just a few things and encourage Moodscopers to think of more things.

My life before Moodscope.

Before joining Moodscope I felt there was no one who understood me. I didn’t know that meeting people online would start friendships. Moodscope became my go to place. When down there was always support there and when okay there were so many comments and blogs to read and learn from others experiences.

My life before mobile phones.

I didn’t get my first smart phone till 2018 as I could not see the point. Mobile or cell phones are useful, but I remember a time when people would talk at family gatherings or when friends met in a café. Now everyone seems too busy on their phones to talk.

My life before the internet.

I used to have many reference books and use libraries more, but now so much information is at one’s fingertips. I can email people on the other side of the world , chat to people faraway and see their faces. It is all quite amazing.

That is just a start. I would like you to write about My life before… You can choose some of the topics I chose or think of your own things that have changed your life.

My life before…


A Moodscope member

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