My word of the year

23 Dec 2022

Every year different companies that publish dictionaries put out a word of the year that sums up the year. You can google this year or past years if you want to see which words were chosen.

What I want to do is see what word or words sum up the year for Moodscopers as we come from different countries with different backgrounds.

It doesn’t have to be a new word coined this year, but it can be. I would like you to think about any words or phrases that keep turning up in your vocabulary. Or it may be one word that sums up your year.

No right or wrong answers, can be funny or serious. Just words that have meant something to you. If you have made up a word you can mention it here too.

My word that I maybe used more than any other word is tired - plain, and simple. It answered many questions from how are you today? Are you sick? Why are you yawning at 3pm?

Probably the sentence I have used the most this year is: Where is my (insert: glasses, phone, bag, shoes, iPad, or any other object I had one minute and then a minute later it had disappeared from plain sight.)

Moodscopers, here is your chance to have fun, to reflect, and a chance for people who are waiting to to make their first comment.


A Moodscope member

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