
22 Jan 2017

I don't know how others spent Christmas, was it good for you? Or did you feel the pressure of family commitments, maybe you don't have any family, or maybe you just chose to do something completely different to escape the whole thing.

January being mainly depressing anyway, I can't help reflecting on Christmas. It went wrong for us. My family are split, in more ways than one. It's complicated and there is not much love flying around. In former years, I would spend it with my exes family to avoid my own. In later years, my husband and I would go abroad to escape or just stay at home.

We don't have children, which obviously makes a big difference. My husband has no family so this Christmas just gone we decided to see my family, it was long overdue, I told myself, lets feel the love etc.

It was a mistake. All the years of wanting to have a perfect family setting, and the reason for all the years I avoided it were confirmed.

So I would be pleased to hear other Christmas stories! Along with anyone trying to desperately get something from the people that they will never probably get anything from. Family or friends.

Do we ever give up? Do we know how to give up?


A Moodscope member.

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