
1 Mar 2017

You know that warm, fuzzy feeling when you've been able to help someone? It is well known that performing a kind act for someone actually raises the happiness in the giver more than the receiver.

Our friends at LiveHappy are running a wonderful campaign #HappyActs during March to celebrate the International Day of Happiness on the 20th and we'd like to spread the word and ask all Moodscopers to join in.

#HappyActs have devised a calendar of daily science-based simple acts that you can do, that will result in positive action, wellbeing and happiness for you and for others.

You can find the calendar here: http://www.happyacts.org/calendar

The acts are easy to carry out. For example 'Hug someone' - we all know how much better you feel after a good hug!

They are promoting the campaign to millions of people around the world and it just seems a perfect fit with Moodscope as we have the capability of monitoring whether participating in the campaign could actually improve people's scores.

We are really interested in this research and would ask as many Moodscopers as possible join in with the campaign and take the test each day, noting what kind act you carried out on your graph. We'd like to then look at the anonymised scores to see if there has in fact been a positive mood shift in March.

Take a look at the #HappyActs calendar and decide if you would like to join in. If you do want to, please can you email us at support@moodscope.com with just #HappyActs in the subject line to let us know.

We can all make someone's day a little brighter and hopefully it will brighten each day for you too.

Many thanks.

Caroline Ashcroft

The Moodscope Team

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