The Enthusiastic card.

18 Nov 2013

Here's the tenth in the series of excellent blogs by Lex covering the adjectives on the 20 Moodscope cards. Please don't forget we'd love you to add any ideas, tips, insights or advice you may have that you'd like to share with other Moodscope members that might be of help. Please add them to the comments at the end of this post. Many thanks. Caroline.

Enthusiastic – defined by Moodscope as 'showing eagerness'.

I've saved this one up as it is one of my favourite words... and "Wow!" does it show!!! I can't hide it.

If I'm enthusiastic about something – it 'leaks' from every pore and broadcasts from every muscle. Just look at those exclamation marks!!!

It says, "Let me in there, Coach! Don't leave me on the bench!" And yet "Enthuse" is even more exciting than the feeling of that inner puppy in me that's about to go for a walk.

The roots of the Greek word mean "God within" (en Theos). Whilst the use is not always positive, the intention of the Moodscope card is totally positive. It's about having drive and movement towards something – it's a momentum word.

Herein lies one secret of stirring up enthusiasm if it is lacking today. Get some momentum going – some movement. For example, I really don't have much 'enthusiasm' for vacuuming. I like the result, but not the process – not when there are so many other exciting things to do. But once I get moving to a rhythm, my enthusiasm comes upon me as if moved by the Divine! My secret? Wagner!!!

Nothing gets me to wield the vacuum cleaner more vigorously and effectively than a good blast of "Ride of the Valkyries" – after all, wasn't that why the Walkman and then the mp3 players were invented! It works for washing up too! In this case "Ride of the Valkyries" is too dangerous – more a case of, "I'll do the washing up, if you'll pick up the pieces..." So for washing up, a good bit of crooning works well (for my tastes) – a bit of Julie London, Bing Crosby, Matt Monroe, and, of course, Nat King Cole.

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