Everything in moderation...
I remember as a student trying to save money by spending less on food. After becoming very ill I soon realised that my health was suffering... that I may not have been financially overdrawn, but emotionally I was bankrupt. I had no reserves... nothing left in the tank. Physically my strength had been compromised, as had my emotional resilience.
To keep ourselves in mental and physical good health we need a healthy balance - 5 a day at least to keep our body and mind well fed. We know this fact, alongside the knowledge that certain foods are mood lifters (such as fresh fruit, fresh vegetables etc). But do we always help ourselves by eating these types of foods? Or do we comfort eat?
The close link between food and mood is now more clearly understood. It's a habit we need to break and I can attest to its truth. By buying fresh fruit, vegetables and ensuring a balanced diet, I have been able to lift my mood and general well-being. My body feels better and in turn so does my mind. It wasn't easy at first as my body craved sugar. However, persistence paid off and as I started to feel better I became more motivated to continue. My 'lows' are less extreme and my skin looks better. I feel and hopefully look, younger.
So here I am on Mother's Day... sitting in bed with my cup of tea and a lovely bacon sarnie, courtesy of my three wonderful young children.
Today, the balance doesn't matter. It is a treat! It doesn't matter what it looks like, or even what it tastes like (it was yummy!), it's the thought that counts. My heart feels fulfilled and my emotional tank is topped up!
I can go back to blending my home-made, full of goodness smoothie tomorrow!
So 'everything in moderation' is so true; feed your body, your mind and your soul. Go out and grab some strawberries, raspberries, cranberries, tomatoes, blueberries, spinach, watercress, carrots, broccoli, avocados and much more...
...and enjoy feeling great with the odd treat too!
A Moodscope member.
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