Negative thinking.

8 Dec 2013

We often get into patterns of negative thinking without even realising it. It may start off with a minor issue that makes us feel grumpy, then maybe a traffic jam on the way to work and too many demands made of us in a day. We may wake up the next day feeling in a bad mood and thus continues the spiral downwards.

This happened to me recently and before I knew it everything seemed to be a big deal. I found myself snapping at the children, complaining about my partner and constantly criticising myself. My inner dialogue became annoying and I sought relief by taking sleeping pills and going to bed.

At the end of a long week my friend commented that her little boy had said how sad it was that I snapped at my daughter like I did. He is nine! It took a nine year old to tell me what was going on. So here I am, starting my week with camomile tea, a few minutes of quiet and hopefully the will to try and think positive, see the good stuff around me and smile more ...

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