Never learnt, but wish I had…

1 Mar 2024

Is there some skill you always wanted to learn but somehow never did?

These are some answers from myself and friends:

- I never learnt to sew and wish I had, I had a mum who was very talented in all textile crafts so I never tried. 

- I wanted to speak Italian as I learnt Latin at school and thought that would help but I never learnt Italian.

- A friend wanted to build a mud brick house but never did.

- A neighbour wanted to learn how to do a cartwheel but broke her mums favourite vase on first attempt and never tried again.

- I wish I knew more about music/opera .

- I never learnt to crochet well. I tried once but my potholder looked like it had been eaten by the dog, so I never tried again.

Moodscopers, I would like you to share something you never learnt but wished you had and maybe one day you will.


A Moodscope member

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