Never surrender!

30 Dec 2017

Well I don't know about other Moodscope members, but I travel to the darkside quite often with my anxiety and depression, and being menopausal doesn't help either!! And everytime I go there I think that I'm not going to make it back, but I always do and suprise myself, be it with the help of medication, family and friends support or just with the strength of character that I don't think I posses but obviously I do!!

Life is a constant fight and it is frightening and very lonely at times even with a good support network around me. I know it is difficult for people to understand my condition unless they have experienced something similar themselves, so I do try and explain, eventhough it is difficult to find the words sometimes.

But I'm back again and fighting on and I will continue to do so and never surrender!!

Sharon the brave

Moodscope member

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