New Years Eve

31 Dec 2022

This is my New Years Eve version of a Sategday (Thanks Mrs Bear).

Now we have all recovered from the anxiety party two weeks ago it is time for reflection and anticipation. I understand both can be good for your MH.

We have finally reached the final day of 2022. So much has happened around the world during this year and I am sure posts could be written about many of the main events. However, I have decided on a simple finale with gratitude. I am concentrating on personal matters for which I am grateful:

1.  My OH, Mrs Teg. The last three years have been very difficult. With my poor MH and her bad PH I wondered many times whether we would survive. But we are still together and our life is improving.

2.  Moodscope. I have enjoyed becoming part of the M family. I feel I have made several friends on the Blog. I would particularly like to thank Caroline and her team, the weekly posters (RATG,  Lex,  Mary W and Leah) and all the regulars contributors with their comments. 

3.  Many others. This includes my therapist (who has kept faith with me for over 2 years), all my bowling comrades and my local lollipop lady. Plus all those strangers that I have met on my travels. Sometimes all we communicated were smiles.

Having gratitude for what has happened in the past leads to hope for the future. 

Helen Barry, the Irish Spiritualist, said: “Today I choose to live with gratitude for the love that fills my heart, the peace that rests within my spirit, and the voice of hope that says all things are possible”. 

I do hope that we will have a New Year filled with humour. I know that many enjoy an amusing Limerick so I have tried to compile my own:

        There was an old man from Moodscope

                 Some thought him a bit of a dope

                     But he made quite clear

                     He liked the New Year

              It filled him with more and more hope.

However I will leave the final words to the writer Joanna who wrote a ‘Happy New Year’ song:

            Happy New Year, Happy New Year

            Family, friends and colleagues too

            May this new year be your best yet,

            Happiness the whole year through.


                 Let’s all join to lift our glasses

                       In a toast to everyone

                 To the old year now behind us,

                   To the new year just begun.  

So what has happened in your life for which you can show gratitude?


A Moodscope member

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