"It is better to have absolutely no idea where one is, and to know it, than to believe confidently that one is where one is not." Sharp.
I found this quotation cut out of a magazine and placed in a book in my shop.
I can relate to it on a few levels.
At times I have felt totally clueless with my emotions and I have no idea where I am and what I am doing. This worries me but to read that someone thinks it is better than being so confident about where one is and what one is doing, when one is not where one thinks one is.
I have known people who have convinced themselves they are well, they are fine, they don't need help only to find that in a short space of time they are sick and rundown or have collapsed.
It is a very uncomfortable feeling to have no idea what one is doing in life, and I think it takes courage to acknowledge how lost one feels. To realise one is clueless is quite scary but at least one is honest.
Sometimes in life we convince ourselves and others that we are in a safe healthy place when we are not. I know I have done this because I felt it was the only way I could cope. Being honest with friends and family especially after one has been doing so well, can be extremely difficult. When all those around you assume you are 'recovered' it makes it so hard to tell the truth.
Do you acknowledge when you have no idea where you are? Why or why not?
Have you ever believed confidently that you knew where you were but you did not? Why? Why not?
A Moodscope member
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