Not belonging or fitting in

30 Jun 2023

All my life I have never felt I fitted in. On a good day I feel I am in a play with everyone but on a different page. On a bad day I have no script and feel lost. I never fitted in at school and with friends I had to change myself to fit in.

After the fires I have felt lost and am trying to find my place. I loved my shop as I belonged there but now I don’t feel I belong anywhere.

At the charity shop they change the place very often and I never know what changes will be there each day. Sorting books used to make me feel I belonged but now I am not sure what feels like home. 

Home is  sometimes not a place I feel I belong as I seem to be in the way and to mess things up. I know it is a feeling and maybe is due to my lack of confidence but it is a real feeling to me.

I am ok and mostly these are just nagging thoughts. I have friends and a loving family, but that desire to find a place where I belong like my bookshop is very real.

Can anyone relate to not fitting in? Is there a place you feel you belong? Why? Are you someone who has no trouble fitting in?


A Moodscope member

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