‘Notes on a Nervous Planet’

22 Aug 2023

This year I seem to have galloped along my reading list. I visited the library and my eyes were drawn to  a book by Matt Haig called ‘Notes On a Nervous Planet.’ It reeled me in and I borrowed it although I had two or three books from the library already. I began reading it on 21 February and finished reading it on the 29 March.

I rarely take a hardback, non-fiction book to bed, especially if it encompasses topics on sociology and philosophy, but the above book was the exception.  I found this book gravitating and inspiring. Matt Haig openly expresses his challenges and difficulties to his reading audience and suggests ways of overcoming the difficulties and enumerates the various coping techniques he has developed. His wife was very encouraging and supportive.

He has also written ‘Reasons For Staying Alive’ which is now on my reading list.  Matt Haig has also written ‘The Midnight Library.’a work of fiction and The Humans’.

Are there any books you have read recently that you'd recommend to other Moodscopers?


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