Nourish your mind, body and soul.

20 Oct 2017

Feed yourself well, your body, your mind and your soul...let your 'plate' have enough nourishment to cope with be it a nibble or a feast, but be sure to satisfy every aspect of yourself in your daily diet. May your body have enough food to function, your intellect be fed so you are challenged and interested; your emotions be nurtured and replenished so that you can return heartfelt deeds and recognise feelings, your own and others. Your emotional health feeds into your social health, may alone time be balanced with the company of good relationships.

But most of all may your soul be nourished in ways in which you can flourish in connecting with yourself. For it is the Soul where the heart of living a wholesome life and inner peace resides. Your soul is your own friendship and acceptance with yourself. A starved soul feels lost and empty so take time to replenish and nurture it. Make the soul-soil fertile it is never too late to make those connections. There are many ways to get there, follow the route to your own heart, the choice is yours and your options are open.

Here's to your good health in every way, make peace with your soul and don't worry the rest will follow.


A Moodscope member.

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