Nourishment Not Punishment

4 Jan 2020

For the last two weeks the nation has been encouraged to eat, drink and be merry. Then, as soon as New year is over the focus switches to cutting back, cutting out, dieting, joining the gym, getting back into shape and it all sounds very much like punishment at what can be a difficult time of the year for many people.

I struggle with SAD and find January my most difficult month. I switch the focus to 'nourishment' instead of 'denial'. More sleep, more fruit, more vegetables. There are many ways to nourish ourselves. Practice as many as possible, self care is essential if you live with any kind of compromise to mental health. Early nights, bubble baths and a good book from the library and a set time each night for digital switch off (stop scrolling)... what do you do to look after yourself?

Keep well.


A Moodscope member.

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