Nuts about Nutrition

Self care
25 Mar 2024

Last Monday, we explored the ENORMOUS benefits of ‘Movement’ to help us feel more vital, vivacious, and vibrant.

This week it’s an unusual turn on Nutrition. I had a thought: “What if everything you eat is a form of medication?” If so, this would mean that some ‘medications’ could work against others we are taking. And, surprise, surprise – this is exactly the casein (pun intended, see below…)

Those of us who have wrestled with Mental Torment know exactly who our worst enemy can be: ourselves. But did you know certain food groups DON’T go together like love and marriage, nor even a horse and carriage? In fact, they don’t get on well at all…

Here are some examples:

Mr Meat doesn't like Ms Dairy – because Calcium and Iron hinder the absorption of one another – it’s like a couple who keep talking over one another but, somehow, never listen to what the other is saying…

Make sure you’re sitting down for this one… Milk and Tea doesn’t make for serendipity. Bluntly, the casein in the milk nullifies most benefits of the polyphenols found in tea – these polyphenols are not a type of parrot with beautiful plumage but rather wondrous beasties that beat up disease. (Source: “European Heart Journal” – a regular read alongside my tabletop copy of, “What Guinea Pig.” Or, in the words of Roxette, “Listen to your heart.”  Plant-based or nut-job milks work remarkably well.

Sir Starch and Lady Fruit don’t work well as relay partners in the race to reach the digestion finish line. Fruit wins every time… which means that if you mix the two, you’ll end up with bloating and indigestion as the fruit ferments with an ill-temper whilst waiting for the grains to catch up.

My anti-addiction coach (whose clinic is disturbingly around the corner from “Majestic Wine,”) suggested Kombucha. Me likey! However, if you mix alcohol and Kombucha – the booze can kill the probiotic health gut bacteria in the Kombucha. Again, it would be working against your own best efforts. Does that mean Vodka Yoghurts are out too?Absolutely!

My favourite is the ‘evil’ of fat-free salad dressings! Here’s the skinny: carotenoids (the goodies in your rabbit food) are more fully absorbed when combined with a full-fat dressing than the impotent and bland options of low-fat or fat-free. Go for colour; not, “World of Beige,”!

There’s way more to learn but suffice to say, “Mixing the Good Stuff together may undo all the ‘Good Stuff’ you’re trying to achieve. Do your homework, then prepare to party!”

Now, what are your nutritional tips for feeling on top of the world?


A Moodscope member

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