Objects with meaning.

10 Jan 2017

I read about a recent exhibition titled a History of the world in 100 objects. It is fascinating to think about how objects have affected the history of the world, the history of a country, and history of our lives.

I was thinking about the part objects have played in my life and in my recovery.

I didn't want to overthink, so I just wrote my list quickly:

My mother's raincoat

A jumper I knitted for my daughter when I was pregnant.

A letter from my dad.

I have a raincoat that my mother bought when she was pregnant with me. I feel a connection to my mother and find it comforting.

As people will know from a previous blog, Unfinished Business,(26 August 2016) I have trouble completing projects. So this small misshapen badly knitted red baby jumper that I finished gives me hope that I can complete things.

On a bit of lined paper torn from a note pad, are the last words my dad wrote to me. He finished with words love you muchly, as he loved making up words and when I think of him I think of muchly.

I am interested what you would put in your list? What comes to mind without overthinking?

So please join my exhibition of objects that mean something to Moodscopers - you also know I am not good at titles!!

It can be one object or a list. You can just write a list or you can say what meaning that object had/has in your life.

Sometimes an object can tell a story about our lives that we may have forgotten.


A Moodscope member.

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