Old Truth

19 Jun 2023

It’s Fathers’ Day when I write this.  I have just opened the most touching card I’ve ever received.  It says, “Lovely Grandpa – I love spending time with you.”

Fact is, it is not from my own flesh-and-blood.  It is from my stepson and his son – both of whom I consider equally as much members of my family as my blood-relatives.  I had a lovely card from one of my own three flesh-and-blood lads… the other two haven’t sent one in time.

Lest you think I’m fishing for sympathy or empathy, I’m not.  The beautiful card was utterly liberating.  Why?  Because it represents a new truth, perhaps even the New Truth – and the new way I see myself.  The New Truth is that I am delighted to spend time with my stepson and my step-grandsons – and wish to do this more often.  I even dislike the ‘step’ preposition since it does not reflect my disposition.

However, there is also an Old Truth.  And it is a ‘truth’.  Truth is that I wasn’t a good dad by any stretch of the imagination.  But I’ve changed and I am changing, and thus the ‘bad dad’ truth is true but nevertheless an old truth.

Here’s an idea for today that just might liberate you or liberate someone else in your life: are you or they being held prisoner by an old truth?

Much depression can be rooted in regret and remorse, in guilt and self-punishment.  Equally, it can be rooted in ‘old truth’.  For my children with my first wife, the old truth is still truth – and perhaps that’s the way it should be – I will always have regrets and remorse.  However, I have moved on, and the new truth is liberating… and, I suspect, will transform the old truth for all parties.  The New Truth offers hope for ongoing transformation and even redemption.

Thus, if you are in self-imposed imprisonment because of ‘old truth’ – notice that the door to your cell has been unlocked.  The wrong person is in the cell.  They have changed; you have changed.  Go free today.

And if you are keeping a family member, friend, or other connection in a place of punishment because of the ‘old truth’ of what they’ve done, said, or made you feel – how about letting them go today?  I promise you, you’ll feel all the better for it.


A Moodscope member

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