Once upon a time.

8 Jun 2016

I have never been gifted at picking a title for a blog, a poem, or even a shop. Some people seem to have a knack of choosing captivating witty tiles but not me. I state the obvious. What I wanted convey was how I find the stories people tell in their comments to the blog so fascinating, so full of honesty and so raw I start to cry.

I wanted a title that would acknowledge the great depth of experience and wisdom of Moodscopers by encouraging everyone from those who rarely write to those who write daily to share their voices.

The titles I rejected were:

Listen to your voice.

Let your voice be heard.

Tell me a story.

Telling tales,


You get the idea that I have no skill at this!!

I wanted a title that would inspire everyone reading this to tell a story.

I find I can learn so much and connect with others through their stories. I know some people don't feel they have much to offer in a comment or are not up to writing at all. A response does not have to be long. One word, a simple phrase can contain much emotion.

I want to hear your story anything you wish to share. I find the diversity in experiences and lifestyles that appear in comments refreshing.

Not everyone feels confident in writing for many reasons but this a very safe place to start. I am Queen of typos, have been known to post a reply 3 times and to call people the wrong name or misspell their name. So no one judges. There are no grammar police here just friendly people who love to read your words.

So if you have never commented before or you comment a little, daily, or somewhere in between have a go.

Start with Once upon a time and write a few words, a phrase or two, a sentence or a paragraph.

It can be sad, or happy, angry, calm, or any emotion you like.

Just type Once upon a time and see what happens.

I look forward to reading your stories.


A Moodscope member

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