One step at a time.

25 Oct 2013

Some days are a lot harder than others.

When I'm feeling particularly helpless, even the most simple tasks seem like mountains to overcome.

I have a problem with putting too much pressure on myself to achieve a set number of things in a day, and when these things go undone, I feel as though I've set myself up for failure.

That is why it's important to give yourself a push on those days that seem worthless, even if it is just brushing your teeth and washing your face.

I try and surround myself with things that I know boost my mood even if only a little, such as music, cooking or reading. Those little steps I have taken in the morning have provided me with the energy I need later in the day, whereas if I'd wallowed for hours and wasted the morning I would've undoubtedly felt worse.

So I suppose my advice is to not put unfair pressure on yourself, and to take those dark days one step at a time.

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