One thousand, three hundred and eighty eight!

Happiness strategies
10 Mar 2023

Firstly I want to say a big hello and a big wave to all those who read the blogs and acknowledge how important that is. 

Try this quick quiz.

What does the number 1388 mean to me?

Is it:

The number of times I lose my glasses in one day?

The number of times I crave chocolate daily?

The number of times I forget my password or pin number?

The number of times I say I will tidy my office?

The number of times I say sorry every day?

The number of times I promise myself I will not buy more stuff?

Give in?

It was the number of days I had gone without doing my Moodscope test until recently.

I actually thought it would be many thousands and I had not intended to start again but I pressed on a few links on the new format and found myself doing the test.

I have often commented here that doing the blogs, reading other blogs and comments and the friends I have made through Moodscope has helped me. I do find the reminder that I need to do the test daily a bit off putting but I am doing it again, not daily but when I can.

I know many Moodscopers use the test daily and find it helpful. If that describes you, I would like to know how it helps and whether weekly or daily is important? There are  people here I guess who have, like me, not done it for a while or do it irregularly. If that is you, does it help you doing it once in a while or more gaps? If you have never done the test is it something you think about doing one day?


A Moodscope member

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