Our Space

3 Feb 2020

Wouldn't it be great to feel safe, to trust that you and I have a sanctuary from the storms of life, and a secret snug even in the best of times – our space?

One of the great mercies of human consciousness is the sense of a fresh start to each day. Sometimes it may be a rough start if we've had a bad night, but it is always a new start. We can begin again.

For my own personal wellbeing (and I'm certain I am like many of us), I need rhythm, ritual, and routine. Not too much routine but enough to feel safe and that the day is building upon a firm foundation.

Moodscope starts the day for me: first the test, then the blog... and often a retest after the blog when it significantly shifts my thoughts and feelings. Jul's blog did that for me last Monday. It was like turning a page at the end of a chapter to open a much better chapter ahead. The publishing of the blog was timed to absolute perfection: my birthday. I left reading it, and the comments that poured in, a changed man.

I'm pretty sure that was a once-in-a-lifetime moment, thus I am keen to learn and respond with enduring gratitude.

Here is what I'm learning that I hope is good for you too.

Firstly, Moodscope works best in threes. There is a proverb that says, "Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labour. For if they fall, the one will lift up their companion; but woe to the one who is alone when they fall and doesn't have another to lift them up. Again, if two lie together, then they have warmth; but how can one keep warm alone? If the black dog prevails against one who is alone, two shall withstand the attacker; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken." (adapted)

The Black Dog of depression sounds quite cute. I usually see a black Labrador when 'the black dog' is mentioned... but the black dog is not cute. It is vicious. With help, we can withstand the attack, and if we fall, we can lift one another up. We can keep one another warm when life chills our bones.

The chief learning, however, has been 'a threefold cord is not quickly broken'. I love the assessment. I love the blogs because they are the voice of my companions. That's a twofold cord – a plait that doesn't quite work! The third strand is our dedicated buddy system. Here's the truth... I'd stopped using it well over a year ago... because I didn't want to be a nuisance.

When we let go of our buddies (and I know mine will forgive me for this stupidity), we then have to look elsewhere for intimate support. The blog comments aren't the best or most appropriate vehicle for that!

The 'Our Space' that is Moodscope's magic works in threes:

The Daily Assessment

The Daily Blog

The Daily Buddies – watching, listening, ready.

We need routine, we need ritual, and we need rhythm. Having buddies keeps me safe and warm. Thus, I give thanks to all our buddies too for the years of rhythm and routine and ritual that allow each one of us to thrive.


A Moodscope member.

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