Out of the Comfort Zone

8 Jun 2024

A while ago I was encouraged to get out of my comfort zone to find inspiration for a positive direction in life.

Well, I sure did it last week! For some reason I thought that I’d like to do Go Ape for my 63rd birthday treat. Go Ape is a high rope adventure in the tree tops, featuring platform-to-platform challenges, Tarzan swings and super-fast zip wires.

On a wet Friday morning five of us were harnessed up and trained on low level wires. So far, so good.

Then we climb the rope ladders up to the first platform. The first big challenge is the Tarzan swing. Terrified doesn’t begin to express my feelings. I know that I’m securely attached to three safety wires, but stepping off the platform evokes some pretty base emotions.  My pal yelled “I believe in you, Susannah!” And I launched myself off. Once I was swinging several metres above the ground I was fine.  It was taking that first step.

Once safely on the next platform I apologised to the instructor for my language! She says she has heard much worse, but I insist that’s no reason for me to use such words in her presence.

The whole course took us three hours. We were partly slowed down by the awful weather which made us cold and the wires slippy, requiring even more caution. There was lots of laughter and a whole load of shrieking. We did it and were proud of our achievement. 

While doing each challenge my focus was total. Although I knew that the safety wires would easily hold me if I slipped, I still felt as if I was untethered and that any slip could be my last. My adrenaline was pumping the whole time. At no point did I think about shopping lists or anything other than the task at hand. I was as far out of my comfort zone as I have been for many years.

No, I don’t feel the need to do it again. But it did give me the jolt I needed. I have now applied for a volunteer role, inspired by comments in my blog Stagnation vs Inspiration of 12th March. So thank you to all Moodscopers who offered advice and support.

When were you really out of your comfort zone and did it have any consequences?


A Moodscope member

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